Reflexology is a natural non-invasive, holistic healing practice which involves the application of pressure to reflex areas on feet (or hands, face or ears) which correspond to specific organs, glands or structures of the body.

Reflexology is based on the theory that injury or stress to the emotional or physical body can result in dis-ease in the body, restricting the flow of vital life force energy, causing blockages which can manifest in a variety of symptoms. Reflexology unblocks energy channels, improves circulation and activates the parasympathetic nervous system (the body’s self healing function) relieving stress and invoking a deep state of relaxation.

How Reflexology may help you

As a holistic therapy, reflexology supports all systems of the body, relieving stress and promoting and optimising general health and well being. In this way many clients find that Reflexology can be very effective in relieving or easing a wide range of symptoms. Many GPs now refer patients for reflexology as a complement to conventional medicine.

Whilst each individual’s experience and response to Reflexology is unique, most find it a remarkably relaxing treatment, suitable for all ages, to support good health or simply as an indulgent, pampering treatment.